Charity of the Year 2022 / 2023 banner

We value...our community

Children with Cancer Fund - Polegate

Each year our staff vote for a local good cause to support via voluntary work and fundraising activities.  In the past this has involved local hospices and children charities and this year we are delighted that our chosen charity is Children with Cancer Fund.

children with cancer fund

Children with Cancer Fund is a registered charity no. 1110644 based in Polegate which aims to grant wishes to children up to the age of eighteen, and their families, who have, or have had, cancer and who live in East Sussex.  The wishes can be practical, medical or fun and are made to individual families by giving them quality family time. They also support local hospitals and community nurses who assist in the care of the children.

Throughout the year we will be holding various fundraising activities with a view to raising as much money as possible for this great cause.

Stephen Rimmer LLP is proud to support this charity for 2022 and 2023.

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